Making Cocaine With Baking Soda

Producing Cocaine. The general process for making cocaine is outlined below: Collect coca leaves, acetone, baking soda, and a jerry can filled with gasoline. At the cook spot you will need to carefully stir the batch while managing the heat level. If you fail, or abort cooking, you will ruin the ingredients. The least amount of baking soda is key to making free base cocaine. If you get the yellow globules then you are doing it correct. This depends on the purity of the cocaine. A reagent test kit is helpful in determining the quality of the cocaine.

Crack cocaine is less pure than using ether to make freebase cocaine (there is lots of. Using ammonia (and ether) to FREE the cocaine BASE from cocaine. Cooking Crack with the Baking Soda Method; Crack, Glorious Crack. The other way to make a coke freebase is to use ether or ammonia. Making Cocaine With Baking Soda But in the last six months crack dealers have found that benzocaine can be “cooked up” and “washed up” to form crack cocaine-style rocks. The 50-year old dealer from Walton, Liverpool, added: “The washing-up and cooking-up simply purify the ­benzocaine.


    It’s a process called “washing up” (or freebasing, but this is harder to do and a little dangerous if you’ve no experiance with chemistary). Type that into google something would come up i’m sure.

    Get bicarbinated soda and cocaine. the way i have done it is on a spoon. mix like 250mg of bicarb to 1000mg coke. add water to it and then start heating up the spoon and slowly separating what comes out with a knife. after you’ve cooked the water out wack the bits u got in the fridge. a lot of the crap cut in the coke will completely disappear so will look quite small.

    I’m no pro and there is probably much better way to do it but this did work for me.

    @Tank Girl 449394 wrote:

    Dont you just put it up your bottom?

    i prefer the bin!

    Look at your coke and shout “CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK” at it … and it will change infront of your eyes.

    @DaftFader 449537 wrote:

    Look at your coke and shout “CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK” at it … and it will change infront of your eyes.

    hayden style!

    @lamat-recs 450132 wrote:


    @p0ly 450133 wrote:


    why what the fuck?

    Was anyong else hoping that dude was gonna fall in the river when he was dancing next to it? :laugh_at:

    @extraslim 450139 wrote:

    why what the fuck?

    did you watch the video? they done a rap to make crack hahahahaha

    Fucking brilliant i say but i want a freebase video i done it on a spoon like but thats it yet to try will do soon

Before I put the coca back into Coca Cola, I just chewed some coca leaves the proper way to alleviate my symptoms. Traditionally, people in the Andes would chew the coca leaves after smearing them with a very basic substance, like lye, in order to help extract the cocaine. I tried to think of the most basic thing I could; that would be my ex, but I had broken up with her earlier that year, so baking soda would have to do. I always carry baking soda with me as a multipurpose item.

I chewed the leaves in my teeth, knowing that my whole point is to grind them up as well as to get them wet. Chewing them does both, and since I already know that these are only going back into my own mouth in a matter of seconds, there’s really no germiness to worry about. So I would chew up the coca leaves very rapidly and very fine and then I would sprinkle baking soda all over the result and then I would chew it up again. When I did this, it was far more effective than when I had first had coca leaves back in Peru: after being soaked in a basic solution, I could actually taste the cocaine and it made the inside of my mouth numb.


After a short while, my sinuses started to drain very quickly I had to blow my nose several times and drink a lot of water to get it through my system, as well as inhaling some saline solution that I’d bought with the phenylephrine.

I still had a lot of pain from the infection but at least I could breathe again. I also really wanted to walk. A lot. I immediately left the hotel and went for a long walk down to package at us. I took a long walk down to a park in the entertainment district where there are lots of restaurants and nightclubs, mostly closed as it was the afternoon.

I walked about 4 kilometers before I arrived at the park and I walked around the park until I bumped into a drug dealer and walked past him, which was of course enough to make him say “Una gramma de Chiclets?”

I said “no, gracias.” I did not want “a ‘gram’ of Chiclets.”

He kept walking alongside me. As is customary in many places, he thought I was negotiating and he told me his asking price: “90,000 pesos.” This is roughly $30 USD. In California that’s a pretty cheap price for a gram of cocaine. However that is not the price in Colombia.

Making Crack Cocaine With Baking Soda

So I laughed and I kept walking.

Again, he thought that I was negotiating. “50,000 pesos.”

Making Cocaine With Baking Soda

I then got unduly nervous as there were some police about 8 feet away from us and I said, “No, gracias.”

He sensed my tension and looked over his shoulder as though something terrible is about to happen. When he saw that there were just two policemen behind him, he relaxed and offered me his next price. “30,000 pesos.”

At this point, I literally wanted to buy the cocaine just so that he would leave me alone. I knew that I had about 30,000 pesos, about ten dollars, in my pocket. I just handed to him. He handed me a sealed plastic envelope with a tiny ziplock bag labeled with a picture of Maggie Simpson on the cover of Playboy magazine affixed to it like a label. I couldn’t make that up if I tried.

I got off the street and into a storefront and rubbed some coke on my gums and, again, my sinuses drained magically and I was geared up for the long walk back to hotel.


Cook Cocaine With Baking Soda

Now, if you’ve been imagining me sweating and chewing my lips as I walked, you’ve really got this wrong. If you only take tiny amounts of cocaine at a time, it’s like having a euphoric latte that’s going to smoothly wear off in a couple of hours. At which time of course, you can do another and basically keep yourself buzzing all day. They forgot to mention this in the anti-drug classes you took in school.

To be fair though, doing rails of cocaine will send you into cold sweats, make your eyes glassy, and make you talk so fast that people at parties want to punch you. I know this because I am one of the people that want to punch you. Apart from taking small doses, I’m just one of those people who is physically soothed by cocaine, but it makes my mood solid gold and my mind go in only one direction: forward. This is how I came to my next idea.