Word For Mac Keyboard Shortcut For Accept This Change

  1. Mac Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
  2. Mac Keyboard Shortcuts For Windows

So the therefore symbol on the left is the one I want and the one on the right (U+2234) is the one default one that word accepts as a symbol. I can insert the one on the right with a CMD+OPT+T custom keyboard shortcut (achieved by going to insert (Font: Symbol), selecting the therefore image then keyboard shortcut). Sep 13, 2016 This keyboard shortcut will switch your word-processing app’s window to the next document you have open, as illustrated by the following animated GIF: It’s worth noting that you can repeatedly strike the (Tilde) key again and again until you get to the document you want, which comes in handy if you have more than two documents open at the.


I was wondering if that could be added, of if it's here but I can't find it.When going through tracked changes, it really helps to accept or reject them quickly. Right now either the 'accept or reject change' menu not very good except to accept it all, or right-click / click on 'accept' or 'reject' (risk of click on the wrong one).


To reject changes, I can do 'right click / j' but there is no keyboard shortcut for accept. Am I missing something? possible to change this?

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Mac Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet


Mac Keyboard Shortcuts For Windows

Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Alex Kemp
close date 2015-10-15 16:10:07.403680